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Statement Regarding the COVID-19 Virus (aka Coronavirus)

In the wake of this unprecedented situation involving the spread of the COVID-19 virus (aka Coronavirus), we are reaching out to the residents of Sage 1, LLC managed properties.  This is a general notice, however the principal message is the same… we are working hard to ensure the welfare of our residents. Everyone’s assistance and cooperation is crucial. To date, Sage 1, LLC has not received any indications of the Covid-19 virus at any of its managed properties. 

What Are We Doing?

As management for your community and to the extent possible, we have already started instituting safe cleaning practices including sanitary wipe downs of common area fixtures such as doors, mailboxes, restrooms, elevators, lobbies, etc.  While there are no guarantees, we hope to at least reduce the spread of any virus which might affect the residents.  We are recommending the closing of all common area amenities including fitness rooms, clubhouses, pools and other points of public gathering.  We are recommending the cancelling or postponing of all community events. We are also recommending the postponing of meetings and that if a Board decision is required during the time out, they follow the advice of counsel.  We will inform you of any changes your Board approves.

What Can Residents Do?


We strongly urge all residents to practice proper hygiene and social distancing.  The following guidelines are designed to attempt to PROTECT YOU and your neighbors by keeping your building clean and safe. Thus, we respectfully request your full cooperation in abiding by these guidelines and in helping us ensure that your neighbors do as well:

  • Refrain from hosting large gatherings of people. Individuals should be invited only by need and exception

  • Limit deliveries to the building. If you must have any type of delivered items/packages, please make every attempt to meet them downstairs. (This will protect residents in the event the delivery person might be a COVID-19 carrier)

  • Sanitize your hands before leaving your home and upon return.  Minimize touching public areas when possible. Think before you touch.



What may happen should a resident contract the virus or is quarantined?


It appears that there are several legal concerns in divulging personal/private health information to the public.  Therefore, municipalities may not notify us that someone in your building has Coronavirus or has been otherwise instructed by public health officials to self-quarantine, so the only way we will know that this is the case is if the resident opts to notify us. This is unfortunately a very difficult situation that we continue to assess.    

We have been advised that if a resident has been diagnosed with Coronavirus and/or has been told to self-quarantine, he/she is entitled to reside in his/her unit unless and until local and state health officials or other governmental authorities deem otherwise. 

We have been advised that it is reasonable for a community association to notify its unit owners and other residents that a resident of the community has been diagnosed with the coronavirus or is self-quarantining IF:

  • the resident has notified the Board or property manager that the resident has been diagnosed with the Coronavirus; OR

  • another current resident of the same unit has notified the Board or property manager that the resident has been diagnosed with the Coronavirus; OR

  • a public health official has officially notified the Board or property manager that the resident has been diagnosed with the Coronavirus. 


So in the same manner as municipalities, we will not disclose to the unit owners and residents the name, unit number or any other information that could be used to identify that resident.   We will not rely or engage in rumor, innuendo, or informal, unofficial sources that claim that a person has been diagnosed with the coronavirus.  

We will inform the community if there are any changes in the advice recommended from counsel or the Monmouth County Department of Health.


In many aspects, the uncertainty of this COVID-19 situation is worse than Superstorm Sandy.  As to our offices and our employees, we are taking this day by day.  Currently, schools and other municipal buildings are gearing up to close until the end of March.  Our office is currently open but closed to public access.  If it becomes necessary for the safety of our staff and their families, Sage 1 managers are prepped to work remotely.  While we will remain operational, we ask residents to understand that we will be working in a crisis mode and a reduced capacity. 


We will continue to monitor updates from the Center for Disease Control and the State/Local Health officials until this situation passes (and it will pass!)  In the meantime, we look forward to the cooperation of all residents and urge you to take common sense measures to protect yourself and your neighbors from this virus.


Sage 1, LLC

Common Sense Property Management


©2020 by Sage 1, LLC

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